When I finished the interview I could already hear the intro of Ancient Rites so I hurried back to the stage. And it was hard to take that most people of this small crowd still didn't bother to go to the front. As expected Ancient Rites once again proved that they never cared about it if they play in front of 500 or 5 people. Every fan is worth their performance and attention! Of course, most of the songs of their last album "Dim Carcosa" were introduced live but they wouldn't be Ancient Rites if they didn't also perform old classics like "Longing For The Ancient Kingdom" or the mighty "Evil Prevails".

Ancient Rites performed the following songs: (The Return) / Exile / Victory Or Valhalla / Total Misanthropia / Aris / And The Horns Called For War / North Sea / (Infant Sacrifices To Baalberith) / Blood Of Christ / Longing For The Ancient Kingdom / Götterdämmerung / (Ode To Ancient) Europa / Saeftinge / (Overture To The Sun) / On Golden Fields / Mother Europe / Evil Prevails / (Dim Carcosa). And everyone who didn't show up there missed one of THE shows in the Metal scene. What more can I say?

I'm afraid Gunther is right about this overkill of tours nowadays... As I haven't seen my friends for several years Gunther and I had a long conversation later on.

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Ancient Rites live

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